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Mountain View School Christmas Eve Program: O Holy Night

Writer's picture: Mikkela HammondMikkela Hammond

One of the words that we use consistently within Christendom is the word “holy.” Perhaps we use it so much that we may often not realize the significance of the word. It is used throughout the Bible to mean “set apart.” For instance, after creating the world in six days the Lord set apart the seventh day – the Sabbath Day – as a holy day. It was intended to be a day set apart for the worship of God and to hear His Word.

The word “holy” appears often in our hymns and in the Bible. Other equivalent words such as “sanctified,” “cleansed,” “consecrated,” “hallowed,” and “righteous” are also used.

Truly, Christmas is a special time set apart for the worship of the Christ Child born to redeem mankind. As a result, it is hoped that during this Christmas season all of us will grow in our understanding and appreciate the significance of the word “holy.”

O Holy Night is a wonderful hymn that emphasizes this message. It is full of many excellent scriptural insights as well. Since Christmas is only a few days away, the students analyzed lines from the hymn. They explained what the lines meant and how they relate to Christmas. Keep reading to learn, in the students' own words, the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it.

O Holy Night!

The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!


"O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining"

The O Holy Night means the night Jesus was born. The true meaning of Christmas is to give thanks to Jesus because he takes away our sins.

- Shi Xuan

"It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!"

My line means that night (Christmas) was the night Jesus was born. It is related to the true meaning of Christmas because Jesus is Christ and Christmas is to celebrate his birth. “Dear Savior” shows our love for him because he first loved us.

- Ivy

"A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices"

This means that we have hope that our sins will go away. This is related to Christmas because Christ will save us from our sins and he was born on Christmas day.

- Vincent


Fall on your knees

Oh hear the angel voices

Oh night divine

Oh night when Christ was born

Oh night divine

Oh night divine


"Oh Night Divine"

The night which Christ was born; the most holy night in all of existence. We sing this to praise the birth of Christ. With His birth Christmas was made. God's love divine made this holy night.

- Rachel

"Oh night when Christ was born"

Question 1: The night that Christ was born. Christ was born on that night

It means on a night when Christ was born

Question 2: It’s when Jesus was born, it even has Christ in the line.

- Joice


Truly He taught us to love one another

His law is love and His gospel is peace

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother

And in His name all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,

Let all within us praise His holy name


"Truly He taught us to love one another."

This line is saying that Jesus teaches us to love each other as we love ourselves, because of our love for Him.

Jesus was born into this world to be our savior, which was a show of God’s love for us. Because He loved us so much to send his Son as our savior, we will reflect that love onto others. If we loved Jesus and all others as much as God loved us, the world would be perfect, and that’s what it really will be like in heaven.

- Serena

"His law is love and His gospel is peace"

The Lord has laws to keep us safe from sin because he loves us. He also gave us his gospel to give us peace. So this way we should find hope in his birth and peace in his death.

- Nico

"Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother"

God has the power to set free others, and because he is merciful he will do so. Also when it says “the slave is our brother”, it means that, while on earth it might seem like some people are above others, in reality we are all equal in the eyes of God.

And how it’s related to Christmas is that, when Jesus was born (Christmas), he was destined to save us and “break our chains”, the chains that Satan has on us. And by dying on the cross he did just that. And the “slave is our brother” means that no matter who we are or what social class we are in, we are all humans. And Jesus saved us all.

- Natalie

"Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we"

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, let us praise his holy name. The Christmas meaning is that Jesus is born and saved the world.

- Shi Teng


Christ is the Lord

Oh praise his name forever

His power and glory

Evermore proclaim

His power and glory

Evermore proclaim


"Christ is the Lord"

Jesus Christ died on the cross. Jesus Christ is powerful. Christmas is Jesus Christ's birthday.

- Koel


The St. Stephen Lutheran Church Christmas Eve program is coming up this Friday. Our theme for this year is 'O Holy Night' and many of our school children chose to participate. If you would like to hear more from our students about why Christmas is such and important and holy day, we welcome you to join us.

The service is on Christmas Eve at 5:00pm. Come to St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 320 Moorpark Ave in Mountain View. We would love to see you there!

Merry Christmas!

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